Sunday, February 20, 2005

Roots - Interview

Wizards and warriors craving adventure can finally relax: a new roleplaying saga for the N-Gage platform is in the making.

Called The Roots: Gates of Chaos, the game is being created in Europe by Polish developer Tannhauser Gate and is being published by Cenega Publishing.

Within the game, players must prevent an evil god's resurrection while wielding might and magic against monsters of varying stripes. Spread across 20 areas and 30 underground locations, the tale is set in sprawling 3D realm Lorath, whose ultimate fate you'll decide. And titanic as the task ahead is, be thankful support for a four-man co-op mode ensures friends can team up to tackle it. As lead designer Ziemowit Poniewierski explains to us in this interview, it's not easy being a living legend:

Please tell us a little bit about the world in which The Roots is set...
The world of Lorath dies, consumed by chaos. The Demon Lord, once the ruler of the Outworld and king of the dead, rebels against the eternal order of the universe. The apocalypse is inevitable. Only a few mortals decide to answer the call of gods and enter the path of death. They will fight nocturnal creatures -- servants of the Demon Lord -- and eventually face the fallen god himself.

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What makes Gates of Chaos unique among role-playing games?
The Roots: Gates of Chaos is fun to play. We introduced many smart features and mechanisms to minimize confusion and maximize entertainment value. Gameplay is silky smooth: it provides so much content in such an unobtrusive way that players will be completely satisfied by the experience.

Do you have to be a hardcore gamer or have a background playing Dungeons & Dragons to enjoy it?

I would call The Roots a moderately demanding game. Some experience with action-RPGs is welcome, but there are incentives for casual players to check it out too. For instance, there are the graphics and theme, as well as the archetypal characters that possess so much charisma you'll come to care about them as human beings.

What features does the title share in common with its PC counterpart?
The world, some major characters and overall atmosphere are shared. The rest of the adventure is unique. Gameplay is different, the plot is different, and the presentation is tailored to the N-Gage platform to give it the best look possible. These are completely different games which have much in common. Those who play both of them will understand what I'm getting at.

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Mind discussing a few of the different types of characters gamers can play?
There are five different characters to pick and play. Each can learn individual skills/talents and all specialize in different weapons. The feral warrior girl skillfully wields projectile weapons, but she can also heal allies, trap opponents, or transform herself into different ferocious animals and earth elementals.

What would you say if your warlock could also transform into the Grim Reaper and drain life from opponents by slicing them with his gigantic scythe? Or what if you would be able to summon a dragon or huge scorpion and ride it into battle? You will experience this and much more in The Roots: Gates of Chaos.

How does each character class differ from the other?
Each offers a different style of play. Some use ranged weapons and must be played cautiously at the beginning, yet become very powerful later in the game. For example, the sorceress, who specializes in offensive magic, which on later stages affects entire groups of enemies.

And all characters have specific weaknesses, strengths, immunities and talents. Most useful skills can be learned by only one character, which makes them even more valuable in multiplayer. The game is very complex and allows for lots of ways to play it.

What's the secret to making a 3D world come alive on a handheld platform?
[Laughs] Inspired people with incredible skills and dedication are the secret. The vision is the secret. Long, long hours of work are the secret.

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A few of the monsters gamers will face in the title are?

There are 80 different monsters in the game. Most are cannon fodder, but bosses put up a nice fight. You will encounter dragons, gargoyles, ice-spitting demons, large arachnids and more. Creatures burn, freeze, cut and slice. Some can trap you or slow your movement while spitting acid and fire.

My favorite -- the redcap -- plants a bomb under your feet and quickly flees, giggling madly. I really like him.

How does combat work?
Simple: point at the opponent, press the Attack Key and let your character do the rest. But you can also use skills and tricks to win battles, from simple magic to powerful area effects. Characters can kill entire armies with one powerful spell, morph into demons or summon mystical creatures to aid them.

Why will players adore co-op mode?
The Roots allows up to four players to meet in the game and fight alongside one another. It's great fun -- imagine the mayhem you can cause! This mode's full of fast action, awesome special effects, and hordes of opponents. And you and your friends are at the center of it.

Along the same lines, what's the appeal of four-man competitive play?
There are special arenas where you may compete against other players for fame and prizes. The arenas are small enough to intensify the action and sufficiently complicated to allow for some combat tactics.

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What are some of the abilities characters can pick up while playing?

Weapon expertise, offensive spells, protective auras, combo attacks, metamorphoses. They'll learn how to drain life from foes, poison, slow, stun, and summon creatures too. There are five characters, eight unique skills per character, and several dozen talents. I daresay it's a complex game.

A few of the locations aspiring champions will visit include...?
Woodlands, flying islands, marshes, deserts, desolate fields, mountains, battlefields, dungeons, mines and caves. Each land is populated with unique creatures, and has its own aesthetic. The first forest lands are my favorite ... you just want to walk around them and take in the surroundings.

How does the game compare with a standard PC or console RPG?
It's more action-intensive. We've managed to translate the best aspects of these types of titles into a game for the N-Gage platform, and I believe we've done it well. There is an overwhelming focus on combat and character development. We refrain from long-winded dialogue and trivial quests, which spoil the flow of many games. The Roots is excitement in its purest form.

Why is the N-Gage the right system to bring this title to?
Because the game is multiplayer at its core, takes advantage of the vertically-oriented screen, rewards the player for every minute spent playing, and is suitable for play anywhere by anyone.

What's your favorite feature?
The fact you don't have to worry about saving, just making progress. Honestly, you don't have to worry about anything at all ... just start the game and away you go. We're proud the title's so rewarding.

The most heroic thing you've ever done in real life is?
Staying with the same thing for years, come what may. That's why I jumped into the gaming business. You just never get bored.

-- Scott Steinberg


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