Monday, February 14, 2005

Classic review of Tony Hawks by Funkyflea

Brief review of Thps by funkyflea!

The tony hawks franchise has been the most prominent skateboarding name on all the major consoles since the arrival of Tony Hawks Pro Skater way back on the PsOne.

News of an n-gage version was certainly a surprise to me back in 2003 and if other handheld versions were anything to go by, this didnt sound promising...
I was wrong...

To start - 9/10 people these days who play computer games have at some stage played one of the many tony hawks games on one platform or another. The N-gage version is almost identical to its bigger brothers on the consoles, the game feels just like Tony Hawks 1 and is certainly something which will never grow tiresome. There are numerous game modes, career mode, free skate, online shadow racing via the N-gage Arena, multiplayer by bluetooth wireless technology and single modes.

The game is addictive and one which I still cant put down almost one and a half years later. The framerate is very smooth - slowdown occurs sometimes when you find yourself skating into watery areas.

This remains still one of the best looking n-gage games to date and I still feel great looking at the beautiful environments every time, a great game to show off with! The only difference i saw is maybe some ugly pixels up close but thats normal for any n-gage game. Also the blue sky was replaced with a dull grey for the final release.

The game comes with a very large soundtrack with great skater tracks from bands like Primus, (great band) and it remains true to the original. Although the audio can sound quite tinny through the built in loudspeaker, the hedphones are an improvement. All those tracks squashed into a tiny mmc! Great!

The controls can be daunting for a first timer playing THPS on the n-gage. Many are used to the default layout of the Playstation controller, but the n-gage controls are slightly different BUT can be customized to suit almost any gamers preferences via the options menu.

Overall this game is one of the N-gage's 'killer apps' in my opinion and its still my favourite game to date. The best handheld version of THPS is on the N-gage, and its certainly worth getting an N-gage just for this classic.
A must have.



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