Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Gesus ( aka theoddone ) Interview

> Hello, Gesus ( aka theoddone ) i will be interviewing you today, so how are you?
Im in a good mood today, feeling fine
> Nice to hear that XD Now lets talk N-Gage, How did you first hear of N-Gage and why did you decide to buy one?
It came to me in a dream, screaming out n-gage. No, I saw a person playing thps, and I was like wow. After that I needed to have one.
> lol, so now we know Tony Hawk's Pro Skater is one of the games you like, What games are you currently playing in the N-Gage Arena?
At the moment I’m playing Pathway To Glory and CMR2005. Pathway To Glory is one of the best games I have ever played, and I love to play it online.
> Nice selection, What game are you most looking forward to that has yet to be released?
I am a online-play freak, so I’m looking most forward to ONE, Because of Nokia bringing new ideas to the gaming world.
> Same here, ONE looks like an outstanding game both graphically and gameplay wise. Who is your favourite N-Gage Arena Member and why?
Hard question, but I have to say theoddone. His posts are fantastic and helpful. I hope it goes well for him in the future.
> Couldn't agree more XP, What do you see for the EAL N-Gage Clan in the future and what are your hopes?
Well I heard theoddone is creating a ptg team, that could go very well.
They have 10 members now, all of them are active.
People in the clan are woking very hard for the clan. I bet they are just waiting for some clan matches.
> Thanks for your time, Any last words?
> Would you like to share them XD?
Support the n-gage, dont download cracked games and enjoy the arena! That’s all.



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